Leadership and life coachinG

Unlock your wisdom  ~  Consciously create  ~  Soar

As a coach, I ask big questions…

Your wisdom will surface in our coaching calls. New awareness. Realizations. Self-forgiveness. Fresh perspectives. Kick-ass strategies for problems that seemed overwhelming before the call. You’ll  answer your own tough questions with clarity and ease… with me as witness.

Magic really.


Let’s unlock your wisdom

Together we will:

Iluminate and engage your courage, power, and resourcefulness

Find new ways of being with old issues… until they are no longer issues

See challenges from new, sometimes daringly different perspectives

Amplify your vision until you know exactly where you want to go and how to get there

Dissolve old, limiting patterns and beliefs, then forge new patterns that stick

Strategize your next steps to reach your goals with ease, intention and momentum

Are you longing to create a more balanced, fulfilling life?

Elaine creates safe space for me to look at my life or situation differently. It is very powerful to be witnessed. Being witnessed, I get the story out of my own head, which gives me more space to see the event for what it is, rather than with an emotional charge. If I come to the coaching call stressed, Elaine’s coaching process relaxes my nervous system and diffuses tension so I can see what I need to see. From this place of clarity, answers come easily.


I came to most meetings without a clear sense of what I wanted to focus on, but I allowed myself to let go and trust the process. I felt complete trust in you, and open to following what got opened through your skillful facilitation. Each time, I came away with a significant learning piece and was able to follow through by taking action. You demonstrated solidly the belief in my capability, and allowed me to explore my own answers.


Martha, PhD, Instructor

Curious about working together? Let’s start the conversation.